1, check the battery powered bikes battery product logo are complete. Including the manufacturer's name, product specification, date of manufacture, the trademark; view inside and outside signs are the same, in particular, to check whether the product ontology eye-catching logo, production date.
2, pay attention to battery powered bicycles battery appearance. Check whether there is deformation, cracks, scratches and traces of leakage. The battery terminals should be clean, no rust, signs should be clear.
3. Follow the product label of electric vehicle batteries rated capacity. The rated capacity of the battery label, the longer the battery discharge time, it is best not to buy non-rated label batteries, but if you want to pay attention to electric vehicles.
4, buy well-known enterprises, large corporate brand batteries. Batteries are generally provided by a professional battery manufacturing plant, different brands, different manufacturers are different pros and cons of battery quality, prices are also high and low points. Well-known, large-scale enterprises large scale, strong technology, good service, battery quality is guaranteed.
5, matching buy and battery with automatic control of intelligent battery charger. Suitable charger can automatically adjust charge size and time, help extend battery life.